Word Jumble
Word Jumble
Word Jumble

Word Jumble

Word Jumble

Word Jumble is often known as an anagram, is a type of word puzzle in which players must rearrange the letters in a given word in order to decipher a hidden message. If you enter a clue into this game, it will assist you in finding the solution to a problem like this (scrambled letters).

How to play

The object of this game is to form the letters of any word or phrase of your own invention. The Word Game is a word-finding puzzle game in which a jumbled set of letters is presented and the player must rearrange the letters to reveal the solution. Occasionally, hints will be given that will assist you in solving the mystery. In other cases, you may only have a bunch of random letters to work with. However, keep in mind that time is running short and that scoring is dependent on a quick start to the game.

Word Jumble is a game that requires the ability to decode anagrams. The list of anagrams for any given word or phrase is infinite. With an anagram, rather than starting with a bunch of random letters and trying to come up with new words, you use actual words as a jumping off point. Word jumbles are word puzzles in which a word is hidden somewhere in a jumble of letters. It's useful for enhancing one's capabilities. 


Use the mouse for some games.

Play and have fun with this new puzzle game for kids. Share with friends and enjoy playing this new game. Like this entertaining word puzzle game? Try your hand at some of the other interesting and challenging games we have available on our website: Word LinkGuess Word. Enjoy!

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