Merge & Decor
Merge & Decor
Merge & Decor

Merge & Decor

Merge & Decor

Merge & Decor, mix and match the components, combine the building materials and construct the dwelling. Discover and combine objects to create powerful tools and obtain unexpected rewards. There's no telling what's hiding next door. Do a complete remodel and furnish your newly renovated house with all the things you've always wanted. Have fun!

How to play

The point is to put your own spin on things around the house while also making them more functional for you. Keep your demanding clientele happy by always improving your service to meet their exacting standards. You can combine similar things by clicking the source items in the table. Achieve extra storage and floor space by holding an item and fusing it with its chained pair. After finishing the purchase, you can receive payment by clicking on the customer's name. When you've collected enough stars, it's time to decorate the living room! Pick out everything from the rugs to the drapes as you please! To replenish your star power, you should play the merging game again. Start fielding increasingly intricate requests and meeting new obstacles head-on.


  • Beautiful, vibrant visuals
  • Puzzles and hidden bonuses
  • Engaging and satisfying gameplay Modular design
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