


Mazes are an intellectual challenge. With your quick wit and astute mind. To what extent do you think you'll be able to navigate this labyrinth? To find out where this ball is going, simply stick to the trail. So long as you can hold out, the game can start now.

How to play

To progress through each level of this entertaining game, you must follow the indicated instructions to collect all of the stars. The game offers four distinct levels of challenge. You can progress through the game's basic, medium and advanced difficulties if you've mastered the maze's logic. The mazes grow in size as the challenge rises. The larger the maze, the more possible routes there will be. Twenty stages must be beaten in both game modes. There's no pressure to succeed immediately, and you're welcome to take your time. Now get out there and have some fun!


  • Animations with vivid colors that are only two dimensions
  • There are four game modes with a total of 80 tough levels
  • Engaging and amusing game play

In case you're looking for another maze game that's just as much fun as this one, I highly recommend Maze Twist.

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