Master of Numbers
Master of Numbers
Master of Numbers

Master of Numbers

Master of Numbers

Gain the Master of Numbers title by amassing the most points. In order to develop and prosper, you must get all of the digits. However, you must avoid higher numbers at all costs lest you be sent back to square one. Let's go number hunting, so plan your actions carefully and practice your reflexes.

How to play

Stay alert and decide whether to gather the incoming numbers or to avoid them. The floor is slipping out from beneath your feet, pulling you forward, so take charge of your routine and dance to the beat. As more and more figures are added, you must be vigilant. Methodically plan your way across the platform, and keep one step ahead of the competition at all times. Before deciding on a course of action, it is a good idea to do some mental arithmetic to determine whether or not you can accomplish your goal. Upon crossing the finish line, you will find that your value has increased. Make advantage of it before moving on to the next step. Best of luck!


  • Bright, realistic 3D images
  • Retardation and calculation time enhancement
  • Alterations that can be purchased
  • Offers mobile access
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