


Feudle is a challenging and fun word-guessing game that challenges players' vocabulary, knowledge of common search phrases, and ability to make educated guesses based on visual signals. The user is given visual cues to help them narrow down their options over the course of six guesses at the word. Enjoy!

How to play

The game is initiated by the player entering a search query including a keyword, such as "How to Make a." The player's objective is to use Google's autocomplete feature to finish the search by guessing the right term. The player is given a phrase that serves as the basis for an unfinished search query; it is their job to complete the query using the suggestions provided by Google's autocomplete function. The player has the option of selecting tiles at the bottom of the screen that contain the letters they are trying to predict.

Six chances to get the sentence right before elimination. Correctly guessing a word's first letter fills a letter tile. If the player guesses a non-word letter, a hangman icon appears. Six strikes ends the game. This game uses tiles to spell the hidden word. Each horizontal row of tiles displays a word letter.