Color by Number
Color by Number
Color by Number

Color by Number

Color by Number

Color by Number is The coloring book/game hybrid Color by Number lets you illustrate a wide range of endearing critters. Now is the time to bring some cheer to the digital realm. The game is great for kids who want to color pictures. Make sure you're filling in the right squares by using the corresponding colors and numbers. To get started straight away, pick a format from among the 23 provided pages. Color by Number is great fun, so get started!

How to play

Color by Number's gameplay is easy to pick up and play. A menu will appear, from which you may select an animal to colorill appear, from which you may select an animal to color. This game is different from others in that you have to paint numbered pixels, such as those with a 1 on them, which must be colored red, those with a 2 on them, which must be colored green, and so on. You may adjust the level of magnification to focus on particulars or get a bird's-eye view.

Fill in the squares with color. Your color palette is located at the bottom of the screen, and it displays the quantity of each color there. Anyway, you are free to use any palette you choose and paint the photos however you like. If you want a colorful picture, use those hues to paint in the appropriate squares. There are creatures of all types, as well as objects and geometric forms, waiting for you.


  • Cost-free numbered coloring pages online
  • Print outs of various animals to color
  • It's fun for both young and old
  • Keeps your current coloring page intact

Check out our coloring games if you're in the mood for some mindful creativity. Play more: Color GalaxyProtect My Dog

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