Words With Buddies
Words With Buddies
Words With Buddies

Words With Buddies

Words With Buddies

Words With Buddies is a competitive word game similar to scrabble in which players aim to amass the highest point total. You can make words out of the letters you've been given. Use the unique tiles on the board to your advantage to increase your score by a factor of two or more.

How to play

You may play this puzzle game against a complete stranger in a public match, or you can play against a buddy in a private match. As many as four people can take part in a round of play at once. Check out the alphabet you've been given to see if you can form any words in this puzzle. The meaning of each letter is not random. For correctly employing that letter, you will receive this many points. With the help of the bonus tiles, you may increase your score even further:

The color blue represents a multiplier of two for the letter grade. In this case, green means a threefold increase in letter value. Words scored in red are worth twice as many points. Words scored at 3x their normal value in yellow. Keep in mind that you will only have a few seconds to write a word on the board. You will lose your turn to the player after you if you take too long to determine what to write.


Take advantage of the mouse. Place the letter tiles on the board by tapping and dragging them.

There is no need to worry about replacing any letters if you use blank tiles. To use a blank tile, you must first pick it. You can choose a blank letter from a list that appears when you click on it. If you decide not to use a tile for a game, you may always tap it again and choose a different letter if you change your mind later.

Key feature

Mobile, tablet, and desktop browser compatibility with a focus on responsive multiplayer gaming - Play in private with friends or in a random online match With this game, you may shuffle and swap tiles, pick an avatar, and choose from a plethora of terms that adhere to international competition rules.

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