


The popular sudoku game has a new iteration called Wordoku. Take pleasure in this unique Sudoku variation with unique letters and words. Sudoku and wordoku have a lot in common. 

How to play

You must enter a 9-letter word into each square in Wordoku. You'll observe that it is a completely distinct experience from the original sudoku with numbers. Try it now if you don't mind. The free online sudoku puzzles come in five difficulty levels: easy, medium, hard, expert, and evil.

For the Wordoku, each letter must appear exactly once. In every row, every column, and every one of the nine boxes. Under the puzzle, you may locate the necessary letters.

Wordoku's rules:

The objective is to fill the grid with all of the game's letter definitions, placing one letter in each row, column, and area of 3x3 cells.

Wordoku, Godoku, and Sudoku Word are other names for letters sudoku.

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