Letter Boom Blast
Letter Boom Blast
Letter Boom Blast

Letter Boom Blast

Letter Boom Blast

You'll quickly become obsessed with Letter Boom Blast because of how much fun it is to play. If you're a baseball fan, don't miss this! Player action consists of aiming at the letter wall, releasing the ball, and causing the wall to tumble down. To go to the next level, you must first destroy all of the walls on the current one. This game will not only help you get better at baseball, but it will also help you get smarter.

How to play

Can you easily recall words that are four to six letters long? It's important to note that Letter Boom Blast is not a traditional baseball arcade game but rather a letter puzzle game. The objective of each stage is to reduce the amount of time it takes for the red stickman baseball player to reach home plate by removing as many wrong letters as possible from the impediment word cube walls that are in the way of the platforms track. If you accidentally hit a different letter, you'll have to reload and try again. I'm happy to report that you'll always be able to quickly locate the incorrect letter and finish each level. We wish you the best of luck in beating the game and remembering it fondly.


Use the swiping motion and the space bar to aim and fire on a PC. On your mobile device, you can aim by pressing and holding the screen, and you can fire by letting go.

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